The premier wealth management destination for Canadian doctors, dentists and entrepreneurs

Reach Your Life Goals Faster

Build a Financial Roadmap so you can give your family the future they deserve.

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Let us help you take control of your family's future.


Crystal Clear Goals

Get help creating a vision for your family's future that everyone can get behind.


Easy Financial Roadmap

Build a Financial Roadmap so you know the best way to reach your goals.

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Simple Money System

Automate your cash flow so you spend less time moving money around.



4 simple steps to financial freedom


Build a Dream Board

Put your life goals in writing, so we can build you a plan to achieve them.


Get the Numbers

Send us the details so we can assess your financial situation and build you the right plan.


Create a Financial Roadmap

We'll determine the optimal path to reaching your goals, based on your financial situation.


Work the Plan

Invest your money, automate your cashflow, and feel good about your future. 


What questions should you ask an advisor?

Hiring someone to help you with your money is nerve wracking.

You have to share lots of personal information, they know this stuff better than you, and it can be hard to know who to trust.

What if you could have some insider info about how advisors work? It would be like having a cheat sheet for interviewing advisors.

Well, you're in luck! 

I wrote an eBook to empower you when working with an investment professional called "7 Questions You Need to Ask Your Advisor".

You will get 7 polite, but straight-forward questions to ask, and the different answers advisors might give you. It shouldn't take more than 20 minutes to get through.

You can get it free right here:

About Saeed

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I help doctors, dentists and entrepreneurs achieve their big, scary financial goals using empirical evidence and automation so they are confident that they’ve got their finances under control.

Saeed Ally is a science grad from McMaster University. He applies science to everything he does, even how he makes coffee in the morning. This personality trait is loved by his clients, but it annoys his wife to no end.

Mixing science with money is something that Saeed’s clients appreciate as they are mostly doctors, dentists and entrepreneurs who appreciate an evidence-based approach to managing their wealth.

Saeed has been an investment advisor since 2007 and has helped countless families figure out what to do with their money. He has extensive experience managing cash flow for clients with corporations, trusts and other complex strategies. Your accountant will love him.

He holds his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® (CFP®) and Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) designations. Saeed is also a Portfolio Manager and has a fiduciary responsibility to his clients when they hire him as their Portfolio Manager. He has a bunch more qualifications but no one reads this far. If you did, mention it in your Dream Board call.

Meet with Saeed

If you'd like to learn more by speaking to Saeed directly, select the first option for a Dream Board call. Please be sure to find a quiet time where we can focus on your needs without distractions.